How to Use a Generic BotThe Generic Bot is a Turing Robot designed to interact in vigorous "Eliza-like" conversation with other people in its vicinity. It has key words, sentence patterns, random responses, and question responses--all user-programmable. It has some ability to recognize where it is and to whom it is talking. The ‘help botname’ contents from inside enCore are included below. To start up the bot, drop it, activate it, and say "hi." CAUTION: Verb Summary
Instructions and Information on Specific Verbs (Commands)Using the Encore Object EditorYou will be able to create and describe your bot from the Encore Object Editor interface, but programming responses will have to be done from the text-command side. Using Specific Verb CommandsADDING A WORD FOR YOUR BOT TO RESPOND TO:seewords botname addword botname
Enter the appropriate responses a line at a time. End with a single period on a line by itself (then hit enter). ADDING A PATTERN FOR YOUR BOT TO RESPOND TO: Suppose you wished your bot to hear something like "MY DONUT ISN'T VERY TASTY" and respond with "WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT A TASTY DONUT?" To do this you must teach your bot to respond to the pattern MY "a" ISN'T VERY "b." seepat botname @addpat botname my %(%w*%) isn't very %(.*%) Then type in the response form: What's so great about a %2 %1? Add as many response forms as you wish on separate lines. End with a period on a single line. ADDING RANDOM RESPONSES:These responses are triggered whenever your bot can't find a keyword, a pattern, or a question. seeresponses botname addrandom botname ADDING A RANDOM RESPONSE TO A QUESTION:When your bot senses a question is being asked, it responds with a random "answer." seequestions botname addquestionresponse botname TO REMOVE WORDS, PATTERNS, RANDOM RESPONSES OR ANSWERS:Use the appropriate 'rm-' command. For example, to remove pattern number 5 on your bot just type rmpat 5 from bot rmword botname To see what number response, type the appropriate 'see**'. TO MOVE POSITION OF A PATTERN:mvpat botname SEEWORDS "BOTNAME"--preprogrammed words the bot will respond to1 hi
2 bye
3 grins
4 yes
5 no
6 Turing
7 help
8 never
9 thanks
10 lag
PATTERNS: 1 your %(.*%)
2 what is %(.*%)
3 .* you are %(.*%)
4 my %(%w*%)
5 why not
6 I %(.*%) you
7 %(%w*%) is %(.*%) Suppose %1 were not %2? What then? 8 it's %(.*%)
9 I am %(.*%)
10 I'm %(.*%)
QUESTION RESPONSES: 1 Hmm, not sure I know.. 2 That's an interesting question... 3 Gosh, I'm not sure I can answer that... RANDOM RESPONSES: 1 Do you have any hobbies? 2 I see, please continue... 3 What exactly are we talking about? 4 Can you go over that again please.. 5 Um, i get the feeling this conversation is not going anywhere.. 6 oh yeah? 7 hmm, is that so.. |
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Irvin Page last updated 08-10-04 --LI |