CommunicatingCommunicating--talking with others--is the most common thing you will do in enCore. enCore is an excellent vehicle for this "chatting," and offers additional features that most web-based chat clients don't possess. You can talk to other people in the room you are in, and you can also send messages to people who are not in the same room. enCore also has a feature called emoting which allows you to indicate actions. When you say or emote things, the results will show up in the talk area. To talk and emote, you type various commands into the command window. You can also switch into "say mode" and "emote mode" by using the radio buttons. These modes will automatically preface anything you type into the command window with the say or emote commands. You can switch back into normal mode when you no longer want to say or emote. Note: When you chat, you are talking to people located in the same room as you (unless you use certain commands to send a message to someone in another location such as page or @knock).
Mode | What it does |
NORMAL mode | Allows you to enter various commands. No text is automatically put in the command window. |
SAY mode | Will preface your text automatically with the command "say" (so that you can chat without having to type in the command "say" each time) |
EMOTE mode | Will preface your text automatically with the command "emote" (see more about emoting below). |
While the say and emote modes simplify communicating in enCore, you can
not do other commands while you are in these modes. You must click the
NORMAL MODE radio button to enter other text commands.
View a video of using radio buttons
Here is a summary of commands for talking and emoting. You will need to substitute the message you wish to type for textand the person's name who you wish to address for person and hit enter after you are done typing the text.
Command | You type (example): | Others in the room see: |
" text | " Hello! How are you? |
Joe says, "Hello! How are you?" |
Say text | Say Hello! How are you? |
Joe says, "Hello! How are you?" |
You can also "address" a message specifically "to" someone while you converse in an enCore room. This "to" feature is especially useful when more than two people are discussing. Although everyone in the room can see the message you send, it is tagged as a message addressed to a specific person.
Command | You type (example): |
Others in the room see: |
to name text | to Joe What's up? |
Lennie [to Joe] What's up?
Note that when you type in the text it does not have to be in quotation marks. |
You can also express actions and emotions inside enCore--virtually. These text messages, though a bit silly, enable many of the visual cues that we take for granted in face-to-face conversation and interaction. By "emoting" you can smile or wave to someone arriving or leaving, or nod in agreement during a conversation. You can emote by using two different commands (either typing emote text or simply by putting a colon in front of your text.
Command | You type (example): | Others in the room see: | You see: |
: text |
:grins |
Joe grins |
You grin
emote text |
emote waves |
Joe waves
You wave
You can get fairly elaborate with your emoting if you wish. Remember to write it in the third person so that your subject agrees with your verb.
Feelings are emote messages that have been automated to send a particular text on a single word command. You can tap into quite a few feelings and expressions by using what are called "social verbs." For example, if Joe types in the word sync, this would be the message that appeared to others in enCore: "In a sudden flash of insight Joe reads the minds of everyone in the room." Try some! You can access the list of feeling commands by typing the word feelings into the Command Window.
Courtesy Warning:
I suggest you try these social verbs on your self as receipient first
and in situations that are appropriate. What you see as the message when
using a social verb is not always what others in the room see.
Below is the complete list:
Current Social Verbs | |||
comfort | poke | laugh | brb |
wink | shrug | sigh | grin |
yawn | blush | chuckle | clap |
wave | cringe | hug | cheer |
cackle | smirk | kiss | pine |
giggle | nod | bow | froll |
cry | smile | vnod |
Current Weird Social Verbs | |||
bounce | snuggle | claugh | pout |
cuddle | tackle | purr | gasp |
curtsey | tickle | brow | thwap |
hkiss | wiggle | booga | groan |
highf | cgrin | xgrin | mgroan |
ruffle | salute | wait | moan |
shiver | boot | tap | amoan |
Current Truly Useful Social Verbs | |||
note | manner | phone | afk |
pnote | dictionary | visitor | ok |
hmm | list | sync | lag |
Whispering allows you to send a private message to another person in the room you are located in, and no one else can read it.
Command | You type (example): | Only person you whisper to will see: |
whisper text to person | whisper Hello! Isn't this talk boring? to Joe | Frank whispers "Hello! Isn't this talk boring?" |
You can abbreviate whisper as wh, and you can also put quote marks around your text if you want (they'll show up in the message whether you use them or not).
Remember how comics represent characters thinking to themselves with a few dots that grow larger until they get to the encircled caption with the text of the character's thoughts inside? enCore can represent this expression of pensive, speculative internal thought too. Thinking, like emoting, is another way enCore has of getting expressiveness into the chat medium.
Command | You type (example): | Others in the room see: |
think text | think Is that true? | Joe .oO (Is that true?) |
think wonders if it will rain. | Joe .oO (wonders if it will rain.) |
While conversing in enCore, a web site may come up that you want to show others. By using this @url command, you display a web page to everyone else in the room. The web page will show up in the viewing window or will display in a new window, depending on your preferences.
Command | You type (example): | Others in the room will see: |
@url webaddress | @url http://www.cnn.com | CNN site on the right or as a new window that pops up on the screen |
As a courtesy, you should warn others in the room before displaying a
webpage. Also, be warned that in some cases displaying a webpage will
crash everyone's connection to enCore who are present in the room with
You can say something to someone who is not in the same room as you by using the page command.
Command | You type (example): | Only person paged will see: |
page person text | page Bill Can I join you? | Joe pages "Can I join you?" |
You can also emote across the MOO to another person who is not in the same room as you.
Command | You type (example): | Only person emoted to (in this case, Bill) sees: |
+person action | +Bill waves bye. | Joe waves bye at you. |
An occasional problem in enCore is harassment from anonymous guests or other users. To deal with this problem there are certain commands that you can use.
@gag person- This will effectively filter out anything the person says or pages until you type @ungag person. Example: @gag John
@eject! person - Use this command to expel someone from a room you own. Example: @eject! John
@lock here with me - Will lock your room so nobody can come in. @unlock here will unlock your room.
For a handy cheat sheet on communicating in enCore, open and print the Quickstart help page.
Screen Appearance || Quick Start || Beginner's Guide || | Getting around || Communicating ||Character options || Working with objects || Objects help ||Using MOO Mail || Creating objects and rooms ||Xpress options || Getting help || Command summary || Questions? Comments? Email Lennie
Irvin Page last updated 08-05-04 --LI |