Beginner's Guide to enCore
enCore is a computer program that allows multiple users to connect
via the Internet to a shared database of rooms and other objects and interact
with each other and the database in synchronous time.
This guide is designed to get you started in enCore. Some of the basic
commands are explained two different ways: either by typing in a command
or by pointing and clicking with your mouse.
Once you have connected, click the help button at the top of the
screen to get an index of help topics. Also, if you are in a room or looking
at an object and you see the light bulb icon, you can click on this icon
for specific help with that object. You are also encouraged to print
the enCore QuickStart cheat sheet for a
handy reference of command functions you will perform in enCore.
To see how the room you're in looks like, just type look or click
the look button. To get information about the objects around you,
including yourself and other users, you can type:
look object
Example: look news - to see the description of that object
examine object
Example: examine news - to see the description, and additional information,
like the owner of the object, and some commands on how to use it.
You could also simply click on the object link in the right-hand window
to see the description or graphic image of the object if it has one, then
click on the LOOK button to return (or right-click your mouse and
select BACK).
If you have a player account (i.e., you are not a guest), one of the first
things you should do after you connect is to set your personal preferences
such as gender, description and so on.
To do set your preferences click on the Options button. Click on the
select option to edit pull down menu and fill in the information
as desired. If you have questions about the fields to fill in, click on
the lightbulb for HELP.
To talk to someone in the same room as you are, you type a quotation mark
" followed by what you want to say, like this:
"Hello there!
You see: You say, "Hello there!"
Everyone else in the room sees: Ann says "Hello there!"
You can use body language, also known as emoting, by typing a colon (:)
followed by text like this:
You see: Ann smiles.
Everyone else in the room sees: Ann smiles
Often, when several people are in the same room, you may want to address
a particular person. To do that type 'to' followed by the name of the
person you want to talk to, and then what you want to say.
to John Good to see you again :-).
John, you, and everyone else sees: Ann [to John]: Good to see you again
To communicate with people who are not in the same place you are, you
can 'page' them:
page John Do you have time for a question?
In every room exits or entrances appear as links in the right-hand part
of the screen, so you simply click on the link to move your location.
Names of exits are also listed at the bottom of the text side of your
screen. To move in a given direction simply type the name of the direction
or exit. For example, if you see an exit named west, you type west
to go there.
If you get lost you can always get back to where you started by typing
home. A fast and convenient way to move around is to @join
other users.
To see who else is logged in to enCore click on the WHO button
or type
If you see another user online named John, you can join him by typing:
@join John
Or click on the link in the location column of the Who browser.
Another way to move quickly between locations in enCore is to use the
'@go' command if you know the name of the place. If, for example, you
want to go to a place called 'Classroom', you type:
@go Classroom
People come to enCore for many different reasons: some come to work, others
to hang out or visit with friends. Out of courtesy, you should always
ask before you join someone. For example, if you want to talk to John,
you should type
@knock John
If he wants to talk to you he can reply with
@invite person
Depending on the configuration of the enCore environment, real names and
email addresses of users may be available. For more information about
a given user you can type:
@whois name
Or, if you are using Xpress, click on the WHO button, then the person's
name link.
If you are a guest in enCore and not yet a member, you can get your own
character by requesting one. You can click the REQUEST icon
in the button bar and fill in the form, or email an administrator
for a character.
An occasional problem in enCore is harassment from anonymous guests or
other users. To deal with this problem there are certain commands that
you can use.
@gag person - This will effectively filter out anything the person
says or pages until you type @ungag person.
@eject! person - Use this command to expell someone from a room
you own.
@lock here with me - Will lock the room so nobody can come in.
@unlock here will unlock your room.
You can also contact the administrator and ask them for help
@wizards - Will tell you the name or names of wizards who are online.
Finally, remember that one of the most useful help commands in enCore
is this one: say Hi, I'm new here. Do you have a minute for a question?
Good luck and happy MOOing.
For more in-depth information about use of educational MOOs we refer
you to our books _High Wired: On the Design, Use, and Theory of Educational
MOOs_ (http://www.press.umich.edu/titles/09665.html)
and _MOOniversity: A Students Guide to Online Learning Environments_ (http://vig.abacon.com/catalog/abbooks/0,2371,0205271146,00.html).
Guide adapted from the original MOOniversity Lite written by Jan Holmevik
and Cynthia Haynes.