English Education Computer Classrooms
The classrooms of the future exist as a way to model the cutting edge of educational technology as well as to help you educate future teachers in an exciting and dynamic fashion. In an effort to make this space as accessable as possible, we offer tutorials on the technology at your disposal. Most importantly, we offer the expertise of the English Education Department Technology Assistants, who can help you and your students make the most out of the labs, with everything from projector operation to website creation and video editing.
Sympodium Smartboard: Designed for easy presentation and dynamic anotation. An alternative to the white board.
In Room Recording: Allowing for students to observe their own teaching styles as well as presenting a great way to preserve presentations on video, including saving lectures or discussions for future study.
Classroom "Bunkers,": The hub for your classroom instruction, included are some simple instructions for connecting laptops, projecting, using the document camera, etc.