Teaching Literature in Virtual Worlds: Immersive Learning in English Studies
Edited collection of 11 essays examining the experience of using on-line virtual worlds as teaching tools for specific literary works. I am editor, author the introduction and one chapter. ROUTLEDGE, 2012.
Literature and the Web: Reading and Responding with New Technologies
With former doctoral student Robert Rozema. Addresses the experience of teachers and students using digital archives and web 2.0 technology for the teaching and study of literature. HEINEMANN PRESS, 2008. Reviewed in: Journal of Media Literacy Education 1 (2009) 83-5.
Robert Ro zema, “Electronic Literacy: Teaching Reading and Literature in a Digital Age” (2004)
Melinda Dobson, “Preparing Teachers to Use Technology: The Webquest in the Secondary Language Arts Methods Classroom” (2003)
Digital Texts and the New Literacies.” English Journal, September, 2007.
When the literature anthologies did not arrive, Allen Webb turned to the Internet, where he found a wealth of classic and contemporary e-texts. Using these online resources opened up possibilities for new ways of teaching and learning traditional skills of close reading and critical analysis. Students created blogs of poems and commentary, compared versions of The Odyssey and a controversial news story, and manipulated the language and structure of texts to question the cultural and historical contexts of the work. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
Conference Presentations:
“Technology Standards and Contexts: Evolving English Education Methods Courses.” MCEE Retreat, Lansing, February 2010.
Core Content Standards demand the use of technology and the need to prepare future teachers for its integration is very real.
“Collaborative Writing: Wikis, Blogs, and Websites,” Round table leader, NCTE Philadelphia, 2009.
Encouraging collaboration (especially outside of class) can seem a daunting task, but thanks to the informaton age, it becomes both simple and incredibly productive.
“Digital Archives and Rewriting Literature,” Assembly on Computers in English Workshop, NCTE Fall 2004, Indianapolis.