enCore v.4 User's Guide

How to Use a Generic Note

Generic Notes are objects that contain text.  Like a real note, you can read it, write on it, and erase it.  It is a good object for presenting some text; however, it is not initially formatted for HTML. 

Verb Summary

r*ead Note
er*ase Note
wr*ite anything on Note
del*ete/rem*ove anything from Note
encrypt Note with anything
decrypt Note
mailme/@mailme Note
copy/paste Note

g*et/t*ake Note
d*rop/th*row Note
gi*ve/ha*nd Note to anything
v*iew Note
dis*play Note
connect Note to anything
@webpref*erences Note

Instructions and Information on Specific Verbs (Commands)

Using the Encore Object Editor

From within the enCore Object Editor (whether as you create the Note or as you seek to edit it), you can write the message the Note contains, edit it, or erase the text. 

Using Specific Verb Commands

read note
Prints the text written on the named object, usually a note or letter.  Some notes are encrypted so that only certain players may read them.  Type: look note will display the text of the note as well.

write "any text" on note
Adds a line of text to the named note or letter.  Only the owner of a note may do this.

erase note
Deletes all of the text written on a note or letter.  Only the owner of a note may do this.

delete line-number from note
Removes a single line of text from a note.  The first line of text is numbered 1, the second is 2, and so on.  Only the owner of a note may do this. To see the different lines of text, type 'read note'.

encrypt note with key-expression
Restricts the set of players who can read the named note or letter to those for whom the given key expression is true.  See 'help keys' for information on the Type and semantics of key expressions, or look at the "help keys."  Only the owner of a note may do this.


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Questions? Comments? Email Lennie Irvin
This guide is based on materials developed for the Encore Open Source Documentation Project by Lennie Irvin and Erin Karper. Menu courtesy of Milonic.

Page last updated 08-03-04 --LI