===== help Temp_Inutils ============================
Temp_Inutils (#815):

Utilitários (ou inutilitários:) ) para o envio de mensagens
Estes verbos visam executar as tarefas mais comuns no envio de mensagens.
Faça "help #815:<verbo>" para uma descriçãoo mais completa.

:generic_msg(vitima,msg_para_vc,msg_para_vitima,msg_para_sala_da_vitima,msg_para sua_sala,not_connected_msg)

===== help $time_utils ==============================
time utilities (#43):

time utilities (#43) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
#43:ampm                                       #43:day
#43:"dhms dayshoursminutesseconds"             #43:dst_midnight
#43:english_time                               #43:from_ctime  
#43:from_day                                   #43:from_month
#43:"mmddyy ddmmyy"                            #43:month
#43:parse_english_time_interval                #43:seconds_until_date
#43:seconds_until_time                         #43:short_time
#43:sun                                       #43:to_seconds  
Converting from seconds-since-1970
dhms          (time)                    => string ...DD:HH:MM:SS
english_time  (time[, reference time)   => string of y, m, d, h, m, s
Converting to seconds
to_seconds    ("hh:mm:ss")           => seconds since 00:00:00
from_ctime    (ctime)                => corresponding time-since-1970
from_day      (day_of_week, which)   => time-since-1970 for the given day*
from_month    (month, which)         => time-since-1970 for the given month*
    (* the first midnight of that day/month)
parse_english_time_interval("n1 u1 n2 u2...")
                                     => seconds in interval
seconds_until_time("hh:mm:ss")       => number of seconds from now until then
                                     => number of seconds from now until then
                           (see verb help for details)
Converting to some standard English formats
day           ([c]time)              => what day it is
month         ([c]time)              => what month it is
ampm          ([c]time[, precision]) => what time it is, with am or pm@more
mmddyy        ([c]time)              => date in format MM/DD/YY
ddmmyy        ([c]time)              => date in format DD/MM/YY
time_sub      (string, time)         => substitute time information
sun           ([time])               => angle between sun and zenith
dst_midnight  (time)                 

help #43:ampm Information about time utilities(#43):ampm
Return a time in the form [h]h[:mm[:ss]] {a.m.|p.m.}. Args are
[1] either a time()- or a ctime()-style date, and
[2] (optional) the precision desired--1 for hours, 2 for minutes, 3 for seconds. If not given, precision defaults to minutes
help #43:day Information about time utilities(#43):day
Given a time() or ctime()-style date, this returns the full name of the day.
help #43:dst_midnight Information about time utilities(#43):dst_midnight
Takes a time that is midnight PST and converts it to the nearest PDT midnight time if it's during that part of the year where we use PDT.
help #43:english_time Information about time utilities(#43):english_time
Copied from Parma (#130):english_time by Hacker (#37) Wed Jun 4 15:37:45 1997 EST
Copied from time utilities (#43):english_time by Hacker (#37) Wed Jun 4 15:26:41 1997 EST
english_time(time [,reference time]): returns the time as a string of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds using the reference time as the start time and incrementing forwards. it can be given in either ctime() or time() format. if a reference time is not given, it is set to time(). suspend(0)
help #43:from_ctime. Information about time utilities(#43):from_ctime
Given a string such as returned by ctime(), return the corresponding time-in-seconds-since-1970 time returned by time(), or E_DIV if the format is wrong in some essential way.
help #43:from_day Information about time utilities(#43):from_day
from_day(day_of_week,which) numeric time (seconds since 1970) corresponding to midnight (PST) of the given weekday. Use either the name of the day or a 1..7 number (1==Sunday,...)
which==-1 => use most recent such day.
which==+1 => use first upcoming such day.
which==0 => use closest such day.
larger (absolute) values for which specify a certain number of weeks into the future or past.
help #43:from_month Information about time utilities(#43):from_month
numeric time (seconds since 1970) corresponding to midnight (PST) of the dth (first) day of the given month. Use either the month name or a 1..12 number (1==January,...)
which==-1 => use most recent such month.
which==+1 => use first upcoming such month.
which==0 => use closest such month.
larger (absolute) values for which specify a certain number of years into the future or past.
help #43:mmddyy Information about time utilities(#43):mmddyy/ddmmyy
Copied from Archer (#52775):mmddyy Tue Apr 6 17:04:26 1993 PDT
Given a time() or ctime()-style date and an optional separator, this returns the MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY form of the date (depending on the verb called.) The default seperator is '/'
help #43:month Information about time utilities(#43):month
Given a time() or ctime()-style date, this returns the full name of the month.
help #43:parse_english_time_interval Information about time utilities(#43):parse_english_time_interval
$time_utils:parse_english_time_interval(n1,u1,n2,u2,...) or $time_utils:parse_english_time_interval("n1 u1[,] [and] n2[,] u2 [and] ...")
There must be an even number of arguments, all of which must be strings, or there must be just one argument which is the entire string to be parsed. The n's are are numeric strings, and the u's are unit names.
The known units are in $time_utils.time_units, which must be kept sorted with bigger times at the head.
Returns the time represented by those words.
For example,

$time_utils:parse_english_time_interval("30","secs","2","minutes","31","seconds ) => 181

help #43:seconds_until_date Information about time utilities(#43):seconds_until_date
Copied from Ballroom Complex (#29992):from_date by Keelah! (#30246) Tue Jul 13 19:42:32 1993 PDT
month is a string or the numeric representation of the month, day is a number, time is a string in the following format, hh:mm:ss.
which==-1 => use most recent such month.
which==+1 => use first upcoming such month.
which==0 => use closest such month.
This will return the number of seconds until the month, day and time given to it.
Written by Keelah, on July 5, 1993.
help #43:seconds_until_time Information about time utilities(#43):seconds_until_time
Copied from Ballroom Complex (#29992):seconds_until by Keelah! (#30246) Tue Jul 13 19:42:37 1993 PDT
Given the string hh:mm:ss, this returns the number of seconds until that hh:mm:ss. If the hh:mm:ss is before the current time(), the number returned is a negative, else the number is a positive.
Written by Keelah, on July 4, 1993.
help #43:to_seconds Information about time utilities(#43):to_seconds
Given string hh:mm:ss ($string_utils:explode(ctime(time))[4]), this returns the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00. I can't remember why I created this verb, but I'm sure it serves some useful purpose.
help #43:time_sub Information about time utilities(#43):time_sub
Works like pronoun substitution, but substitutes time stuff. Call with time_sub(string, time). returns a string.
time is an optional integer in time() format. If omitted, time() is used. Macros which are unknown are ignored. $Q -> the empty string.
Terminal $ are ignored.
$H -> hour #. $M -> min #. $S -> second #. 24-hour format, fixed width.
$h, $m, $s same x/c have not-fixed format. 00:03:24 vs. 0:3:24
$O/$o -> numeric hour in 12-hour format.
$D -> long day name. $d -> short day name.
$N -> long month name. $n -> short month name.
$Y -> long year # (e.g. '1991'). $y -> short year # (e.g. '91')
$Z -> the time zone    (added in by r'm later)
$P/$p -> AM/PM, or am/pm.
$T -> date number. $t -> date number with no extra whitespace etc.
$1 -> Month in fixed-width numeric format (01-12)   (added by dpk)
$2 -> Month in nonfixed numeric format (1-12)
$3 -> Date in fixed-width format, 0-fill
$$ -> $.
This verb stolen from Ozymandias's #4835:time_subst.

===== help $trig_utils ================== SEE Math Utilities


===== help $web_utils ================== SEE $web_utils

===== help $wiz_utils ===============================
Wizard Utilities (#25):

Wizard Utilities

The following functions are substitutes for various server builtins. Anytime one feel tempted to use one of the expressions on the right, use the corresponding one on the left instead. This will take care of various things that the server (for whatever reason) does not handle.

:set_programmer(object)             object.programmer = 1;
    chparent object to $prog
    send mail to $prog_log

:set_player(object[,nochown])       set_player_flag(object,1);
    set player flag, 
    add name/aliases to $player_db,
    and maybe do a self chown.

:unset_player(object[,newowner])    set_player_flag(object,0);
    unset player flag,
    remove name/aliases from $player_db
    chown to newowner if given
:set_owner(object, newowner)        object.owner = newowner;
    change ownership on object
    change ownership on all +c properties
    juggle .ownership_quotas

:set_property_owner(object, property, newowner)
    change owner on a given property
    if this is a -c property, we change the owner on all descendants
    for which this is also a -c property.
    Polite protest if property is +c and newowner != object.owner.

:set_property_flags(object, property, flags)
    change the permissions on a given property and propagate these to 
    *all descendants*.  property ownership is changed on descendants 
    where necessary.

===== help NNTP (#75) ============================
NNTP (#75):

NNTP (#75) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#75:"article head body"    #75:check_cache                     #75:check_id
#75:close                  #75:debug                           #75:@expire
#75:expire_cache           #75:@expire-task                    #75:expire_task 
#75:fake_xhdr              #75:"fetch_article fetch_body fetch_head"
#75:fetch_newnews          #75:fetch_xhdr                      #75:fixup_headers
#75:flush_cache            #75:get_connection                  #75:header_line 
#75:help_msg               #75:init_for_core                   #75:insert_cache
#75:log_error              #75:newnews                         #75:nntp_read
#75:open                   #75:post                            #75:posting_ok   
#75:release_connection     #75:read_line                       #75:reorder_cache
#75:send_line              #75:time_from_date                  #75:@update

help #75:article Information about NNTP(#75):article/head/body
:article(connection,article) :head(connection,article) :body(connection,article)
help #75:check_cache Information about NNTP(#75):check_cache
cache maintenance for NNTP.
return an item if it's in the cache, {} otherwise.
args[1] should be an article reference, args[2] one of head, body, or article.
help #75:check_id Information about NNTP(#75):check_id
checks to see if the argument (a string) is a valid article indentifier Article identifiers are one of the following forms:
   <message-id>             -- with brackets
   groupname n              -- where groupname is like alt.pea.pickers and n is an artcle number
   groupname:n              -- similar
for the first form, the message ID is returned as a string
For the other forms, it returns a list {groupname, n}, where groupname is the string and n is the number
help #75:close Information about NNTP(#75):close
quit from the NNTP server and close the passed connection.
help #75:debug Information about NNTP(#75):debug
if $nntp.debug is set to something other than #-1, tell that object our arguments.
help #75:@expire Information about NNTP(#75):@expire
Run the NNTP cache expiry procedure right away. Mostly useful when the expiration task gets killed somehow.
help #75:expire_cache Information about NNTP(#75):expire_cache
called by the expiry task to remove dusty items from the cache.
returns the number of items it removed.
help #75:fake_xhdr Information about NNTP(#75):fake_xhdr
a slow fake xhdr for NNTP servers which do not support (or perhaps properly implement) the XHDR command.
help #75:fetch_article Information about NNTP(#75):fetch_article/fetch_body/fetch_head
This function fetches the article referred to by article-id from an NNTP server.
The article-id may be any of the forms accepted by check_id
When fetching headers or complete articles, it will often be useful to pass the header of the article to :fixup_headers(), which will attempt to join multiline headers into single lines
help #75:fetch_newnews Information about NNTP(#75):fetch_newnews
:Fetch_newnews(newsgroups, last-read)
Return a list of message-IDs posted to newsgroups since last-read.
newsgroups is either a string containing a single newsgroup, or a list of strings. last-read is a time.
help #75:fetch_xhdr Information about NNTP(#75):fetch_xhdr
:fetch_xhdr(header, messages)
return a list of headers associated with the article identifier(s) passed. header is a valid header line, such as 'subject'. 'message' should either be a message-id or a list of article identifiers.
Note that since many NNTP servers do not properly implement the XHDR command (especially those running on a certain proprietary VAX operating system which Shall Remain Nameless,) this command may be disabled. In that case, this verb calls a much slower in-db implementation of the XHDR command, which fetches each article's entire header, then parses out the header line requested.
help #75:fixup_headers Information about NNTP(#75):fixup_headers
This function takes the header of an nntp article (as a list of strings) and joins multiline headers into single lines. It does no cleanup on the result, so there may be extra spaces in the output, which is a list of strings. this may break if the first line isn't really a header.
help #75:get_connection Information about NNTP(#75):get_connection
$NNTP maintains a list of open, available connections.
This verb returns a connection from that list, and removes the connection from the list of actives, adding it to a list of in-use connections.
The maximum number of connections is maintained by this.connect_max.
If this.connect_max is 0, there is no limit to the number of connections.
If no connections are available, return E_RANGE.
help #75:header_line Information about NNTP(#75):header_line
:header_line(prefix, article-head)
Find the header line beginning with the passed prefix. In fact, this is just an application of $string_utils:find_prefix, with the addition of checking for prefixes ending in ':'
the additional checking for lines ending in ':' here is mostly because (though i'm not sure if this is legal,) it's conceivably possible to be searching for the 'Foo' header in a message having both 'Foo:' and 'FooBar:' headers.
$string_utils:find_prefix would return $ambiguous_match in this case.
help #75:nntp_read Information about NNTP(#75):nntp_read
read an NNTP body, body being defined as something that ends with a period on a blank line. expects a connection to read from.
help #75:open Information about NNTP(#75):open
open a network connection to the NNTP server specified by this.host and this.port.
help #75:post Information about NNTP(#75):post
:post(newsgroup(s), subject, lines, distributions)
Post an article to news.
Newsgroup(s) should either be a string or a list of strings.
Subject should be a string.
Lines should be a list of strings.
Distributions should either be a string or a list of strings containing valid distributions.
Returns 0 if successful, otherwise error or error string
Returns E_PERM if the posting verb is not wizardly or running with the permissions of someone in $NNTP.posting_ok, or if $NNTP.posting_allowed is 0.
help #75:release_connection Information about NNTP(#75):release_connection
Release_connection frees a connection obtained with get_connection().
It is assumed that any connection requested will eventually be released.
help #75:reorder_cache Information about NNTP(#75):reorder_cache
Cache maintenance for NNTP.
on a hit, we move the item to the head of the cache, so future lookups go faster. hi jay.
help #75:time_from_date Information about NNTP(#75):time_from_date
convert an NNTP date to MOO time() format.
help #75:@update Information about NNTP(#75):@update
Update the groups list stored on the NNTP object. This list is used in determining which groups are valid for registration, and should be run regularly.
This command may take some time to execute.
help #75:xhdr Information about NNTP(#75):xhdr
Perform the actual XHDR command and clean up the results. This generally shouldn't be called directly, unless you're deliberately bypassing the fetch_xhdr command for some reason.

===== help Object Quota Utilities (#83) ==============
Object Quota Utilities (#83):

Object Quota Utilities (#83) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#83:adjust_quota_for_programmer      #83:bi_create
#83:can_peek                         #83:can_touch 
#83:charge_quota                     #83:creation_permitted
#83:display_quota                    #83:"get_quota quota_remaining"
#83:initialize_quota                 #83:init_for_core
#83:preliminary_reimburse_quota      #83:reimburse_quota
#83:set_quota                        #83:"verb_addition_permitted property_addition_permitted"

help #83:bi_create Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):bi_create
Calls built-in create.
help #83:can_peek Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):can_peek
Is args[1] permitted to examine args[2]'s quota information?
help #83:can_touch Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):can_touch
Is args[1] permitted to examine args[2]'s quota information?
help #83:charge_quota Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):charge_quota
Charge args[1] for the quota required to own args[2]
help #83:reimburse_quota Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):reimburse_quota
Reimburse args[1] for the quota required to own args[2]
help #83:set_quota Information about Object Quota Utilities(#83):set_quota
Set args[1]'s quota to args[2]

Temp_Inutils (#815) [ ]
	Owned by Bogart (#8519).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
Cpdee Utilities (#530) [ ]
	Owned by Moro (#1500).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
webMOO code utilities (#6653) [ ]
	Owned by WebJunior! (#8851).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
Wizard Utilities (#25) [ ]
	Owned by ScarFace (#2).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
Portuguese_utils (#3516) [ ]
	Owned by Freddy (#1465).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

CPDEE_Time_utils (#8040) [ ]
	Owned by Klovn (#1785).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
Msg_Inutils (#1161) [ ]
	Owned by Incubus (#134).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
ANSI Utilities (#3539) [ ]
	Owned by Chi (#5396).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
VRML Utilities (#4597) [ ]
	Owned by WebJunior! (#8851).
	  Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#1:initialize               #1:recycle                 #1:set_name
#1:title                    #1:titlec                  #1:set_aliases
#1:match                    #1:match_object            #1:set_description 
#1:description              #1:look_self               #1:examine(really_old)
#1:notify                   #1:tell                    #1:tell_lines   
#1:accept                   #1:moveto                  #1:"eject eject_nice eject_basic"
#1:is_unlocked_for          #1:huh                     #1:set_message 
#1:do_examine               #1:examine_key             #1:examine_names
#1:examine_desc             #1:examine_contents        #1:examine_verbs  
#1:get_message              #1:room_announce*_all_but  #1:init_for_core
#1:contents                 #1:examine_verb_ok         #1:is_listening 
#1:hidden_verbs             #1:examine_owner           #1:announce*_all_but  
#1:tell_lines_suspended     #1:acceptable              #1:title_idle   
#1:"html do_post"           #1:more_info_for_web       #1:verbs_for_web
#1:object_edit_for_web      #1:edit_object_by_web      #1:set_icon
#1:get_icon                 #1:"get_url get_html"      #1:url     
#1:"set_url set_html"       #1:tell_contents_for_web   #1:get_vrml
#1:"titlec4web namec"       #1:get_vrml_hyperlink      #1:"get_vrml_desc set_vrml_desc"
#1:"title4web name"         #1:"has_url really_has_url"
#1:"get_vrml_translation get_vrml_rotation get_vrml_scale
set_vrml_translation set_vrml_rotation set_vrml_scale" #1:"get_web_setting set_web_setting clear_web_setting get_vrml_setting
set_vrml_setting clear_vrml_setting"
------------------------- no permission to read . --------------------------