===== help $lock_utils ==============================
lock utilities (#53):

lock utilities (#53) [ readable ]
	Owned by ScarFace (#2).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#53:canonicalize_spaces          #53:eval_key          #53:eval_key_new   
#53:init_scanner                 #53:match_object      #53:parse_A    
#53:parse_A_new                  #53:parse_E           #53:parse_keyexp
#53:scan_token                   #53:unparse_key
These routines are used when locking objects, and when testing an object's lock before allowing use (such as in an exit).
:parse_keyexp   (string keyexpression, object player)
	=> returns an object or list for the new key as defined by the
keyexpression or a string describing the error if it failed.

:eval_key       (LIST|OBJ key, testobject)
	=> returns true if the given testobject satisfies the key.

:unparse_key    (LIST|OBJ key)
	=> returns a string describing the key in english/moo-code terms.
For more information on keys and locking, read `help locking', `help keys', and `help @lock'.
help #53:eval_key Information about lock utilities(#53):eval_key
eval_key(LIST|OBJ coded key, OBJ testobject) => returns true if testobject will solve the provided key.
help #53:match_object Information about lock utilities(#53):match_object
used by $lock_utils to unparse a key expression so one can use `here' and `me' as well as doing the regular object matching.
help #53:parse_keyexp Information about lock utilities(#53):parse_keyexp
parse_keyexp(STRING keyexpression, OBJ player) => returns a list containing the coded key, or a string containing an error message if the attempt failed.

Grammar for key expressions:

    E ::= A       
       |  E || A  
       |  E && A  
    A ::= ( E )   
       |  ! A     
       |  object  
       |  ? object  

help #53:unparse_key Information about lock utilities(#53):unparse_key
:unparse_key(LIST|OBJ coded key) => returns a string describing the key in english/moo-code terms.
$lock_utils:unparse_key({"||", $hacker, $housekeeper}) => "#18105[Hacker] || #36830[housekeeper]"


===== help $match_utils ============================
matching utilities (#51):

matching utilities (#51) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#51:match                                   #51:match_list
#51:match_nth                               #51:match_verb
#51:object_match_failed                     #51:"parse_ordinal_reference parse_ordref"
This is the Generic Utility Object. One presumes it should have text in it explaining the use of the utility object in question.
help #51:match Information about matching utilities(#51):match
:match(string, object-list)
Return object in 'object-list' aliased to 'string'.
Matches on a wide variety of syntax, including:
"5th axe" -- The fifth object matching "axe" in the object list.
"where's sai" -- The only object contained in 'where' matching "sai" (possible $ambiguous_match).
"where's second staff" -- The second object contained in 'where' matching "staff".
"my third dagger" -- The third object in your inventory matching "dagger". Ordinal matches are determined according to the match's position in 'object-list' or, if a possessive (such as "where" above) is given, then the ordinal is the nth match in that object's inventory.
In the matching room (#3879@LambdaMOO), the 'object-list' consists of first the player's contents, then the room's, and finally all exits leading from the room.
help #51:match_list Information about matching utilities(#51):match_list
:match_list(string, object_list) -> List of all matches.
help #51:match_nth Information about matching utilities(#51):match_nth
:match_nth(string, objlist, n)
Find the nth object in 'objlist' that matches 'string'.
help #51:match_verb Information about matching utilities(#51):match_verb
$match_utils:match_verb(verbname, object) => Looks for a command-line style verb named <verbname> on <object> with current values of prepstr, dobjstr, dobj, iobjstr, and iobj. If a match is made, the verb is called with @args[3] as arguments and 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
help #51:object_match_failed Information about matching utilities(#51):object_match_failed
Usage: object_match_failed(object, string[, ambigs])
Prints a message if string does not match object. Generally used after object is derived from a :match_object(string).
ambigs is an optional list of the objects that were matched upon. If given, the message printed will list the ambiguous among them as choices.
help #51:parse_ordinal_reference Information about matching utilities(#51):parse_ordinal_reference/parse_ordref
Parses strings referring to an 'nth' object.
=> {NUM n, STR object} Where 'n' is the number the ordinal represents, and 'object' is the rest of the string.
=> 0 If the given string is not an ordinal reference. Example:
:parse_ordref("second broadsword") => {2, "broadsword"}
:parse_ordref("second") => 0
Note that there must be more to the string than the ordinal alone.
help #51:parse_possessive_reference Information about matching utilities(#51):parse_possessive_reference
Parses strings in a possessive format.
=> {STR whose, STR object} Where 'whose' is the possessor of 'object'. If the string consists only of a possessive string (ie: "my", or "yduJ's"), then 'object' will be an empty string.
=> 0 If the given string is not a possessive reference.
:parse_possessive_reference("joe's cat") => {"joe", "cat"}
:parse_possessive_reference("sis' fish") => {"sis", "fish"}
Strings are returned as a value suitable for a :match routine, thus 'my' becoming 'me'.
:parse_possessive_reference("my dog") => {"me", "dog"}

===== help $Math_Utils ============================
Math Utilities (#27):

Math Utilities (#27) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
#27:aexp#27:"AND XOR" #27:arctan
#27:"are_rel_prime are_relatively_prime"#27:base_conversion #27:BLFromInt
#27:cos#27:combinations #27:div
#27:fibonacci#27:"gcd greatest_common_divisor" #27:geometric
#27:IntFromBL#27:is_prime #27:"lcm least_common_multiple"
#27:simpson#27:sin #27:sqrt

Trigonometric/Exponential functions:

  sin(a),cos(a),tan(a) -- returns 10000*(the value of the corresponding
                       trigonometric function) angle a is in degrees.
  arctan([x,]y)        -- returns arctan(y/x) in degrees in the range -179..180.
                       x defaults to 10000.  Quadrant is that of (x,y).
  exp(x[,n])           -- calculates e^x with an nth order taylor polynomial
Statistical functions:
  combinations(n,r)    -- returns the number of combinations given n objects
                       taken r at a time.
  permutations(n,r)    -- returns the number of permutations possible given
                       n objects taken r at a time.
Number decomposition:
  div(n,d)             -- correct version of / (handles negative numbers correctly)
  mod(n,d)             -- correct version of % (handles negative numbers correctly)
  divmod(n,d)          -- {div(n,d),mod(n,d)}
  parts(n,q[,i])       -- returns a list of two elements {integer,decimal fraction}
Other math functions:
  sqrt(x)              -- returns the largest integer n <= the square root of x
  pow(x,n)             -- returns x^n
  factorial(x)         -- returns x!
  fibonacci(n)         -- returns the 1st n fibonacci numbers in a list
  geometric(x,n)       -- returns the value of the nth order geometric series at x
Integer Properties:
  gcd(a,b)                  -- find the greatest common divisor of the two numbers
  lcm(a,b)                  -- find the least common multiple of the two numbers
  are_relatively_prime(a,b) -- return 1 if a and b are relatively prime
  is_prime(n)               -- returns 1 if the number is a prime and 0 otherwise
  random(n)                             -- returns a random number from 0..n if n > 0 or
                                        n..0 if n < 0
  random_range(n[,mean])                -- returns a random number from mean - n..mean + n
                                        with mean defaulting to 0
  simpson({a,b},{f(a),f((a+b)/2),f(b)}) -- returns the numerical approximation of
                                        an integral using simpson's rule
Bitwise Arithmetic:
  AND(x,y)           -- returns x AND y
  OR(x,y)            -- returns x OR y
  XOR(x,y)           -- returns x XOR y (XOR is the exclusive-or function)
  NOT(x)             -- returns the complement of x
      All bitwise manipulation is of 32-bit values.

help #27:aexp Information about Math Utilities(#27):aexp
returns 10000 exp (x/10000)
The accuracy seems to be ~0.1% for 0<x<4
help #27:arctan Information about Math Utilities(#27):arctan
arctan(y/x) == arctan(x,y) => angle in degrees.
help #27:are_rel_prime Information about Math Utilities(#27):are_rel_prime/are_relatively_prime
are_rel_prime(num1,num2): returns 1 if num1 and num2 are relatively prime.
since we have gcd, this is pretty easy.
help #27:base_conversion Information about Math Utilities(#27):base_conversion
Call with first arg either a number or a string, being the number desired for conversion. capital letters denote values from 10-35; lowercase letters from 36 to 61. Maximal base is 62.
You will be unable to use the extra 26 lowercases as separate unless you pass a nonzero fourth argument. Passing zero or none uses the default value, which is to have AAAA=aaaa.
The second and third arguments should be the base of the number and the base you want it in, respectively.
Any of the arguments can be strings or nums, but high-base numbers will need to be strings. This returns a string.
Any problems, talk to Ozymandias.
help #27:cos Information about Math Utilities(#27):cos
cos(x) -- given x in degrees, cos(x) will return cosine evaluated at x times 10000
help #27:combinations Information about Math Utilities(#27):combinations
combinations(n,r) -- returns the number of ways one can choose r objects from n distinct choices.
C(n,r) = n!/[r!(n-r)!] overflow may occur if n>29...
help #27:div Information about Math Utilities(#27):div
div(n,d) => q such that n = dq + r and (0<=r<d if d>0, -d<r<=0 if d<0).
help #27:divmod Information about Math Utilities(#27):divmod
divmod(n,d) => {q,r} such that n = dq + r handles negative numbers correctly 0<=r<d if d>0, -d<r<=0 if d<0.
help #27:exp Information about Math Utilities(#27):exp
exp(x[,n]) -- calculates an nth order taylor approximation for e^x.
n defaults to 5. Any n given must be >= 0. you need to divide the result the answer will be returned as {integer part,fractional part}
help #27:factorial Information about Math Utilities(#27):factorial
factorial(n) -- returns n factorial for 0 <= n (<= 12).
help #27:fibonacci Information about Math Utilities(#27):fibonacci
fibonacci(n) -- calculates the fibonacci numbers to the nth term and returns them in a list. n must be >= 0.
help #27:gcd Information about Math Utilities(#27):gcd/greatest_common_divisor
gcd(num1,num2): find the greatest common divisor of the two numbers using the division algorithm. the absolute values of num1 and num2 are used without loss of generality.
help #27:geometric Information about Math Utilities(#27):geometric
geometric(x,n) -- calculates the value of the geometric series at x to the nth term. i.e., approximates 1/(1-x) when |x| < 1. this, of course, is impossible in MOO, but someone may find it useful in some way. n defaults to 5. n must be >= 0.
help #27:is_prime Information about Math Utilities(#27):is_prime
is_prime(number) returns 1 if the number is prime or 0 if it isn't.
of course, only positive numbers are candidates for primality.
help #27:lcm Information about Math Utilities(#27):lcm/least_common_multiple
lcm(num1,num2): find the least common multiple of the two numbers. we shall use the positive lcm value without loss of generality. since we have gcd already, we'll just use lcm*gcd = num1*num2
help #27:mod Information about Math Utilities(#27):mod
A correct mod function.
mod(n,d) => r such that n = dq + r and (0<=r<d if d>0 or -d<r<=0 if d<0).
help #27:norm Information about Math Utilities(#27):norm
:norm(a,b,c,d...) => sqrt(a^2+b^2+c^2+...)
help #27:parts Information about Math Utilities(#27):parts
parts(n,q[,i]) -- returns a decomposition of n by q into integer and floating point parts with i = the number of digits after the decimal.
i defaults to 5.
warning: it is quite easy to hit maxint which results in unpredictable results
help #27:permutations Information about Math Utilities(#27):permutations
permutations(n,r) -- returns the number of ways possible for one to order r distinct objects given n locations.
P(n,r) = n!/(n-r)!
help #27:pow Information about Math Utilities(#27):pow
pow(x,n) -- returns x raised to the nth power. n must be >= 0.
help #27:random Information about Math Utilities(#27):random
random(): returns a random number in the following manner:
random(n > 0) will return a number in the range 0 to n
random(n < 0) will return a number in the range n to 0
help #27:random_range Information about Math Utilities(#27):random_range
random_range(range [,mean]): returns a random number within the given range from the mean. if the mean isn't given, it defaults to 0
e.g., random_range(10) => -10..10
random_range(10,4) => -6..14
help #27:simpson Information about Math Utilities(#27):simpson
simpson({a,b},{f(a),f((a+b)/2),f(b)}) -- given two endpoints, a and b, and the functions value at a, (a+b)/2, and b, this will calculate a numerical approximation of the integral using simpson's rule. the answer is returned as {integer,fraction}
help #27:sin Information about Math Utilities(#27):sin
sin(x) -- given x in degrees, sin(x) will return the value of the sine function at x times 10000
help #27:sum Information about Math Utilities(#27):sum
:sum(num, num, num ...) => Total of all arguments added together.
help #27:tan Information about Math Utilities(#27):tan
tan(x) -- given x in degrees, tan(x) will calculate the tangent at x times 10000
help #27:xcos Information about Math Utilities(#27):xcos
xcos(x) -- calculates the taylor approximation for the cosine function
help #27:xsin Information about Math Utilities(#27):xsin
xsin(x) -- calculates the taylor approximation for the sine function


===== help $object_utils ============================
object utilities (#52):

object utilities (#52) [ readable ]
	Owned by ScarFace (#2).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
#52:all_contents#52:all_properties #52:all_properties_suspended
#52:all_verbs#52:ancestors #52:branches
#52:branches_suspended#52:connected #52:contains
#52:defines_verb#52:"descendants descendents" #52:"descendants_suspended descendents_suspended"
#52:descendants_with_property_suspended #52:findable_properties#52:has_callable_verb
#52:has_property#52:has_verb #52:isa
#52:isoneof#52:leaves #52:leaves_suspended
#52:locations#52:match_verb #52:ordered_descendants

These routines are useful for finding out information about individual objects.

Examining everything an object has defined on it:

  all_verbs          (object)          => like it says
  all_properties     (object)          => likewise
  findable_properties(object)          => tests to see if caller can "find" them
  owned_properties   (object[, owner]) => tests for ownership
Investigating inheritance:
  ancestors(object[,object...])         => all ancestors
  descendants      (object)             => all descendants
  ordered_descendants(object)           => descendants, in a different order
  leaves           (object)             => descendants with no children
  branches         (object)             => descendants with children 
  isa        (object,class)             => true iff object is a descendant of class (or ==)
  property_conflicts (object,newparent) => can object chparent to newparent?
  isoneof     (object,list)             => true if object :isa class in list of parents
Considering containment:
  contains (obj1, obj2)                  => Does obj1 contain obj2 (nested)?
  all_contents (object)                  => return all the (nested)
  contents of object locations (object)  => list of location hierarchy above object
Verifying verbs and properties:
  has_property(object,pname) => false/true   according as object.(pname) exists
  has_verb    (object,vname) => false/{#obj} according as object:(vname) exists
  has_callable_verb          => same, but verb must be callable from a program
  defines_verb               => does this object *define* this verb
  match_verb  (object,vname) => false/{location, newvname}
                               (identify location and usable name of verb)
Player checking:
  connected         (object) => true if object is a player and is connected

Many of the above verbs have ..._suspended versions to assist with very large object hierarchies.

The following exist:

help #52:all_contents Information about object utilities(#52):all_contents
Return a list of all objects contained (at some level) by object.
help #52:all_properties_suspended Information about object utilities(#52):all_properties_suspended
Copied from object utilities (#3669):all_properties by Haakon (#2) Mon Dec 28 14:24:36 1992 PST
help #52:ancestors Information about object utilities(#52):ancestors
Usage: ancestors(object[, object...])
Return a list of all ancestors of the object(s) in args, with no duplicates.
If called with a single object, the result will be in order ascending up the inheritance hierarchy. If called with multiple objects, it probably won't.
help #52:branches Information about object utilities(#52):branches
:branches(object) => list of all descendants of object which have children.
help #52:branches_suspended Information about object utilities(#52):branches_suspended
:branches_suspended(object) => descendants of object having children. this version calls suspend(0) as needed
help #52:connected Information about object utilities(#52):connected
:connected(object) => true if object is a connected player. equivalent to (object in connected_players()) for valid players, perhaps with less server overhead.
use object:is_listening() if you want to allow for puppets and other non-player objects that still 'care' about what's said.
help #52:contains Information about object utilities(#52):contains
$object_utils:contains(obj1, obj2) -- does obj1 contain obj2?
Return true iff obj2 is under obj1 in the containment hierarchy; that is, if obj1 is obj2's location, or its location's location, or ...
help #52:descendants_with_property_suspended Information about object utilities(#52):descendants_with_property_suspended
:descendants_with_property_suspended(object,property) => list of descendants of object on which property is defined.
calls suspend(0) as needed
help #52:findable_properties Information about object utilities(#52):findable_properties
Return a list of properties on those members of object's ancestor list that are readable or are owned by the caller (or all properties if the caller is a wizard).
help #52:has_callable_verb Information about object utilities(#52):has_callable_verb
Usage: has_callable_verb(object, verb)
See if an object has a verb that can be called by another verb (i.e., that has its x permission bit set).
Return {location}, where location is the object that defines the verb, or 0 if the object doesn't have the verb.
help #52:has_verb Information about object utilities(#52):has_verb
:has_verb(OBJ object, STR verbname)
Find out if an object has a verb matching the given verbname.
Returns {location} if so, 0 if not, where location is the object or the ancestor on which the verb is actually defined.
help #52:isa Information about object utilities(#52):isa
:isa(x,y) == valid(x) && (y==x || y in :ancestors(x))
help #52:isoneof Information about object utilities(#52):isoneof
:isoneof(x,y) = x isa z, for some z in list y
help #52:leaves Information about object utilities(#52):leaves
:leaves(object) => list of all childless descendents of object
help #52:leaves_suspended Information about object utilities(#52):leaves_suspended
:leaves_suspended(object) => list of all childless descendents of object this versions calls suspend(0) as needed
help #52:locations Information about object utilities(#52):locations
Usage: locations(object)
Return a listing of the location hierarchy above object.
help #52:match_verb Information about object utilities(#52):match_verb
:match_verb(OBJ object, STR verb)
Find out if an object has a given verb, and some information about it. Returns {OBJ location, STR verb} if matched, 0 if not.
Location is the object on which it is actually defined, verb is a name for the verb which can subsequently be used in verb_info (i.e., no asterisks).
help #52:owned_properties Information about object utilities(#52):owned_properties
owned_properties(what[, who])
Return a list of all properties on WHAT owned by WHO.
Only wizardly verbs can specify WHO; mortal verbs can only search for properties owned by their own owners. For more information, talk to Gary_Severn.
help #52:property_conflicts Information about object utilities(#52):property_conflicts
Looks for propertyname conflicts that would keep chparent(object,newparent) from working.
Returns a list of elements of the form {<propname>, @<objectlist>} where <objectlist> is list of descendents of object defining <propname>.


===== help $perm_utils =============================
Generic Utilities Package (#42):

Generic Utilities Package (#42) [ readable ]
	Owned by ScarFace (#2).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#42:apply                 #42:caller
#42:controls              #42:"controls_prop controls_property"    
Miscellaneous routines for permissions checking

For a complete description of a given verb, do `help $perm_utils:verbname'

:controls(who,what)                   -- can who write on object what
:controls_property(who,what,propname) -- can who write on what.propname
These routines check write flags and also the wizardliness of `who'.

(these last two probably belong on $code_utils)

:apply(permstring,mods)               -- used by @chmod to apply changes
                    (e.g., +x) to a given permissions string

:caller()                             -- returns the first caller in the
                    callers() stack distinct from `this'

help #42:apply Information about Generic Utilities Package(#42):apply
:apply(permstring,mods) => new permstring.
permstring is a permissions string, mods is a concatenation of strings of the form +<letters>, !<letters>, or -<letters>, where <letters> is a string of letters as might appear in a permissions string (`+' adds the specified permissions, `-' or `!' removes them; `-' and `!' are entirely equivalent).
help #42:controls Information about Generic Utilities Package(#42):controls
@perm_utils:controls(who, what)
Is WHO allowed to hack on WHAT?
help #42:controls_prop Information about Generic Utilities Package(#42):controls_prop/controls_property
controls_prop(who, what, propname)
Is WHO allowed to hack on WHAT's PROPNAME?
help #42:password_ok Information about Generic Utilities Package(#42):password_ok
password_ok(crypted STR, teststr STR) -> matches BOOL
Returns true if `teststr' matches `crypted' using the MOO's standard crypted checking algorithm.


===== help $seq_utils ===============================
sequence utilities (#34):

sequence utilities (#34) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).
#34:"add remove"#34:complement #34:contains
#34:contract#34:expand #34:extract
#34:first#34:firstn #34:for
#34:from_list#34:from_sorted_list #34:from_string
#34:intersection#34:last #34:lastn
#34:range#34:size #34:tolist
#34:tostr#34:union #34:_union

A sequence is a set of integers (*)
This package supplies the following verbs:

  :add      (seq,f,t)  => seq with [f..t] interval added
  :remove   (seq,f,t)  => seq with [f..t] interval removed
  :range    (f,t)      => sequence corresponding to [f..t]
  {}                   => empty sequence
  :contains (seq,n)    => n in seq
  :size     (seq)      => number of elements in seq
  :first    (seq)      => first integer in seq or E_NONE
  :firstn   (seq,n)    => first n integers in seq (as a sequence)
  :last     (seq)      => last integer in seq  or E_NONE
  :lastn    (seq,n)    => last n integers in seq (as a sequence)

  :complement(seq)        => sequence consisting of integers not in seq
  :union    (seq,seq,...) => union of all sequences
  :intersect(seq,seq,...) => intersection of all sequences
  :contract (seq,cseq)              (see `help $seq_utils:contract')
  :expand   (seq,eseq[,include])    (see `help $seq_utils:expand')
  :extract(seq,array)           => array[@seq]
  :for([n,]seq,obj,verb,@args)  => for s in (seq) obj:verb(s,@args); endfor

  :tolist(seq)            => list corresponding to seq
  :tostr(seq)             => contents of seq as a string
  :from_list(list)        => sequence corresponding to list
  :from_sorted_list(list) => sequence corresponding to list (assumed sorted)
  :from_string(string)    => sequence corresponding to string
For boolean expressions, note that the representation of the empty sequence is {} (boolean FALSE) and all non-empty sequences are represented as nonempty lists (boolean TRUE).

The representation used works better than the usual list implementation for sets consisting of long uninterrupted ranges of integers.
For sparse sets of integers the representation is decidedly non-optimal (though it never takes more than double the space of the usual list representation).

(*) i.e., integers in the range [$minint+1..$maxint]. The implementation depends on $minint never being included in a sequence.

help #34:add Information about sequence utilities(#34):add/remove
add(seq,start[,end]) => seq with range added.
remove(seq,start[,end]) => seq with range removed. both assume start<=end.
help #34:complement Information about sequence utilities(#34):complement
:complement(seq[,lower[,upper]]) => the sequence containing all integers *not* in seq.
If lower/upper are given, the resulting sequence is restricted to the specified range.
Bad things happen if seq is not a subset of [lower..upper]
help #34:contains Information about sequence utilities(#34):contains
:contains(seq,elt) => true iff elt is in seq.
help #34:contract Information about sequence utilities(#34):contract
cseq is assumed to be a finite sequence consisting of intervals [f1..a1-1],[f2..a2-1],... From seq, we remove any elements that are in those ranges and map each remaining element i to
  i               if       i < f1
  i-(a1-f1)       if a1 <= i < f2
  i-(a1-f1+a2-f2) if a2 <= i < f3 ...
returning the resulting sequence. For any finite sequence cseq, the following always holds:
help #34:expand Information about sequence utilities(#34):expand
eseq is assumed to be a finite sequence consisting of intervals [f1..a1-1],[f2..a2-1],... We map each element i of seq to
  i               if               i < f1
  i+(a1-f1)       if         f1 <= i < f2-(a1-f1)
  i+(a1-f1+a2-f2) if f2-(a1-f1) <= i < f3-(a2-f2)-(a1-f1)
... returning the resulting sequence if include=0,
returning the resulting sequence unioned with eseq if include=1;
help #34:extract Information about sequence utilities(#34):extract
extract(seq,array) => list of elements of array with indices in seq.
help #34:firstn Information about sequence utilities(#34):firstn
:firstn(seq,n) => first n elements of seq as a sequence.
help #34:for Information about sequence utilities(#34):for
:for([n,]seq,obj,verb,@args) => for s in (seq) obj:verb(s,@args); endfor
help #34:from_list Information about sequence utilities(#34):from_list
:fromlist(list) => corresponding sequence.
help #34:from_sorted_list Information about sequence utilities(#34):from_sorted_list
:from_sorted_list(sorted_list) => corresponding sequence.
help #34:from_string Information about sequence utilities(#34):from_string
:from_string(string) => corresponding sequence or E_INVARG string should be a comma separated list of numbers and number..number ranges
help #34:intersection Information about sequence utilities(#34):intersection
:intersection(seq1,seq2,...) => intersection of all sequences...
help #34:lastn Information about sequence utilities(#34):lastn
:lastn(seq,n) => last n elements of seq as a sequence.
help #34:range Information about sequence utilities(#34):range
:range(start,end) => sequence corresponding to [start..end] range
help #34:size Information about sequence utilities(#34):size
:size(seq) => number of elements in seq for sequences consisting of more than half of the 4294967298 available integers, this returns a negative number, which can either be interpreted as (cardinality - 4294967298) or -(size of complement sequence)
help #34:tostr Information about sequence utilities(#34):tostr
tostr(seq [,delimiter]) -- turns a sequence into a string, delimiting ranges with delimiter, defaulting to .. (e.g. 5..7)
help #34:union Information about sequence utilities(#34):union
:union(seq1,seq2,...) => union of all sequences...
help #34:_union Information about sequence utilities(#34):_union
assumes all seqs are nonempty and that there are at least 2

===== help $set_utils ===============================
Set Utilities (#28):

Set Utilities (#28) [ readable ]
	Owned by Hacker (#37).
		Child of Generic Utilities Package (#79).

#28:contains                                     #28:diff*erence
#28:"difference_suspended diff_suspended"        #28:equal
#28:"exclusive_or xor"                           #28:intersection
#28:intersection_preserve_case                   #28:union
This object is useful for operations that treat lists as sets (i.e., without concern about order and assuming no duplication).
 union(set, set, ...)        => union
 intersection(set, set, ...) => intersection
 intersection_preserve_case(base set, set, set, ...)
        => intersection with the case of the base set's elements preserved

 diff*erence(set1, set2, ..., setn)
        => result of removing all elements of sets 2..n from set 1.
 exclusive_or(set, set, set, ...)
        => all elements that are contained in exactly one of the sets

 contains(set1, set2, ..., setn)
        => true if and only if all of sets 2..n are subsets of set 1

 equal(set1, set2)
        => true if and only if set1 and set2 are equal

help #28:contains Information about Set Utilities(#28):contains
True if the first list given is a superset of all subsequent lists. False otherwise. {} is a superset of {} and nothing else; anything is a superset of {}. If only one list is given, return true.
help #28:difference Information about Set Utilities(#28):diff*erence
Usage: diff(set 1, set 2, ..., set n)
Returns all elements of set 1 that are not in sets 2..n
help #28:difference_suspended Information about Set Utilities(#28):difference_suspended/diff_suspended
Usage: diff(set 1, set 2, ..., set n)
Returns all elements of set 1 that are not in sets 2..n
help #28:equal Information about Set Utilities(#28):equal
True if the two lists given contain the same elements.
False otherwise.
help #28:exclusive_or Information about Set Utilities(#28):exclusive_or/xor
Usage: exclusive_or(set, set, ...)
Return the set of all elements that are in exactly one of the input sets For two sets, this is the equivalent of (A u B) - (A n B).
help #28:intersection Information about Set Utilities(#28):intersection
Returns the set intersection of all the lists provided as arguments.
help #28:intersection_preserve_case Information about Set Utilities(#28):intersection_preserve_case
Copied from Fox (#54902):intersection Mon Dec 27 17:02:57 1993 PST a version of $set_utils:intersection that maintains the property that everything in the return value is in the first argument, even considering case
help #28:union Information about Set Utilities(#28):union
Returns the set union of all of the lists provided as arguments.