Teach Middle East Literature


Who is a "Terrorist"?

When we discuss terrorism by people from the Middle East against the United States we must also understand the history of our country in the region:


United States Involvement in Middle East

  • 1928 Red Line Oil Agreement between America and Britain to share Middle East oil. Standard Oil and Mobil get shares of Iraq Petroleum Company.
  • 1944, the Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement divides Middle Eastern oil between the United States and Britain. Roosevelt says: “Persian oil …is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it’s ours. (Between 1948 and 1960, Western companies earned $12.8 billion in profits from the production, refining and sale of Middle Eastern oil, on investments totaling $1.3 billion.)
  • 1949 CIA back military coup in Syria, overthrows elected government
  • 1953 CIA organizes coup in Iran, overthrows elected government putting Shah in power
  • 1956 CIA coup in Syria aborted
  • 1957 Marines land in Lebanon to prepare invasion of Jordan
  • 1958 US Navy and Marines to Lebanon, threat of nuclear attack if Iraq invades Kuwait, invasion of Iraq planned with Turkey
  • 1957-8 plots to overthrow Nasser in Egypt, not successful
  • 1960 US tries to overthrow government of Iraq
  • 1963 US supports coup led by Ba’ath Party in Iraq, Saddam Hussein (on CIA payroll) comes to power
  • 1973-5 US supports Kurdish rebels in Iraq, then abandons them
  • 1978-79 US supports Shah and tries to organize a coup to keep him in power
  • 1979: Carter designates the Persian Gulf a vital U.S. interest and declares the U.S. will go to war to ensure the flow of oil.
  • 1979: U.S. begins arming and organizing Islamic fundamentalist "Mujahedeen" in Afghanistan, Brzezinski writes, "This aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention," drawing the Soviets into an Afghan quagmire.
  • 1979 Soviet Troops enter Afghanistan at invitation of Afghan government, American “secret war” begins, over 3 billion spent on arms, funding of Osama Bin Laden and others, by 1989 over 1 million casualties, 1/3 of population refugees.
  • 1980 Iraq invades Iran with US support, US supports both sides, 1.5 million dead
  • 1983 US troops to Lebanon
  • 1983 CIA involved in murder of general in Morocco
  • 1985 CIA attempts to kill Shiite leader in Lebanon
  • 1986 US bombs Libya
  • 1987 US shoots down Iranian airplane, all 290 passengers killed
  • 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait after American “green light”
  • 1991 “Desert Storm” 200,000 Iraqis killed
  • 1992 Marines land in Somalia
  • 1992 Department of Defense official plan "In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predominant outside power in the region and preserve U.S. and Western access to the region's oil.”
  • 1993 US Missile Attack on Iraq
  • 1995 Oil and Trade Sanctions against Iraq, UN says 4,500 children die per month, 280,000 sorties flown over Iraq in 10 years
  • 1998 Congress funds “secret” attacks against government of Iraq, missile attacks in Afghanistan and Somalia, Iraq
  • 2001 Invasion of Afghanistan
  • 2003 Invasion and occupation of Iraq, by 2010 over one million (?) dead

Information Clearing House

America and Israel

  • 1947: The United States supports the United Nations resolution partitioning Palestine, giving the Zionist authorities control of 54% of the land. (Jewish settlers are 1/3 of the population.)
  • 1948: War breaks out between the newly proclaimed state of Israel, and Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria, who had moved troops into Palestine to oppose the partition of Palestine. Over 700,000 Palestinians -- two-thirds of the population -- flee into exile in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Gaza, and the West Bank. Israel controls 77% percent of historic Palestine. America is the first country in the world to recognize the state of Israel.
  • 1966 The United States under President Johnson sells Phantom jet bombers to Israel
  • 1967 Israel wins preemptive war against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and takes control of the remaining 23% of historic Palestine (the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula & Golan Heights).
  • 1973 The United States carries out a strategic airlift of arms and supplies to Israel and provides extensive foreign aide.
  • 1981 The Strategic Cooperation Agreement is signed between United States and Israel.
  • 1982 Israel invades Lebanon and the United States vetoes a United Nations Arms Embargo on Israel.
  • 1985 Creation of U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).
  • 2003 United States provides Israel with 9 billion in loan guarantees.
  • 2006 United States weapons and jet fuel are used by Israel in an attack on Lebanon. In the United Nations Security Council the United States is the only country that opposes an immediate cease-fire.
  • 2007 United States increases military aid to Israel by 25%
  • 2010 Half of all American foreign military financing (2.8 billion) goes to Israel, along with 3 billion in unconditional loan guarantees.


US Military Bases in Middle East


iraq bases

afghan bases


Why the 9-11 Attacks?

We are told that "they hate democracy." Osama Bin Laden said the attacks occured because 1) American support of Israel and 2) American troops in Saudi Arabia.